Hey, I’m Shana Danielle and This is My Confession...

As the Creator & Founder of ThriveIn Learning Institute, I must confess...

Bios or About Pages aren't really my thing. They often feel like a one-sided attempt to appear more accomplished and intelligent than reality might suggest. So, let's cut through the fluff and get straight to the point…

I’m absolutely hooked on thriving author success stories!

My fantastic team and I serve as the hidden arsenal for impact-driven authors who aspire to become thriving business owners. We help them create huge impact with their books through bulk sales, without the struggle of endless hours hoping for a single book sale, bombarding DMs, or spending every weekend at expensive and ineffective vendor events where the vendors end up being the primary customers.

Our incredible team has offered guidance and support to hundreds of thriving authors across a myriad of different industries. We’ve assisted our clients in writing books, publishing them, selling them, and then transforming those books into profitable businesses through speaking engagements, course creation, and coaching programs.

Best-selling authors who are already making waves with their book have partnered with us. We've also guided aspiring authors on their journey to publish their first book profitably. We're here to turn your author dreams into reality!

We're Internationally Known For Our Delivery...

Have you ever been to the mall when the latest Jay's are released? The line is unbelievable, right? Well, our list of client success stories is just as long!

Our clients don't just get a book or a sale, they grow a thriving mindset and business. I may have already said this, but it's something we're so proud of, it's worth repeating.

Our mission? It's an ambitious one. We're here to help 1 Million impact-driven authors reach the lives of 1 Million families. We wholeheartedly believe that literacy can be our collective ticket out of poverty.

And let me tell you, we're total marketing nerds. Nothing makes us happier than helping our authors apply our fail-safe, time-proven strategies. These methods aren't just theory, they're designed to rapidly boost income, build businesses that offer true time and financial freedom, and contribute to making the world a better place.

We're Internationally Known For Our Delivery...

Have you ever been to the mall when the latest Jay's are released? The line is unbelievable, right? Well, our list of client success stories is just as long!

Our clients don't just get a book or a sale, they grow a thriving mindset and business. I may have already said this, but it's something we're so proud of, it's worth repeating (come on, no side-eye, please).

Our mission? It's an ambitious one. We're here to help 1,000,000 impact-driven authors reach the lives of 1 Million families. We wholeheartedly believe that literacy can be our collective ticket out of poverty.

And let me tell you, we're total marketing nerds. Nothing makes us happier than helping our authors apply our fail-safe, time-proven strategies. These methods aren't just theory, they're designed to rapidly boost income, build businesses that offer true time and financial freedom, and contribute to making the world a better place.

You're Still Here? Awesome!

Here's What You Can Expect From Us.

We offer actionable strategies and tactics to help you grow a wildly successful author business and amplify your income and influence via bulk sales, all without relying on mere "hustle" and luck. And if you meet our criteria, guess what?

You'll get an opportunity to work closely with us so we can expedite your journey towards your desired results.

Surprised that I just openly admitted that you'll receive offers to team up with me and my crew? Well, why wouldn't I be upfront about it?

Here's the thing about us...

We're not like most "internet marketing gurus" who constantly pitch low-end products that only add to your confusion and overwhelm. Sure, we used to do that because it was the norm and honestly, we did pretty well with that model.

However, we've realized that people yearn for an expedited transition from their current position (Point A) to their desired destination (Point B), and an endless pursuit of course after course is not the fastest means. Rest assured, there's a more streamlined, less complicated way.

It's mentorship from someone who has a proven system and has actually walked the talk. I understand that partnering with us isn't for everyone. We don't come cheap, and we don't tolerate excuses from our clients because we're committed to their success...

But for those who aren't ready to join us or don't meet the qualifications, we do offer an incredibly helpful blog, live trainings, and video content where we deliver insightful strategies and tactics you can apply immediately.

*The insights, strategies, and tactics we share on the blog and videos are honestly more valuable than the stuff the "gurus" charge thousands of dollars for (and I say that with as much humility as I can muster... sort of).

The idea is you'll think, "Wow, this free stuff really helped me. I think I'll team up with the ThriveIn Learning Institute to reach my goals even faster.

Pretty straightforward, right?

We believe that the best way to show someone you can help them is by actually helping them.

It works like a charm every time.

Increase Your Income, Expand Your Impact, and Extend Your Influence.

But you still might be wondering …

Who Are These Folks and Why Should I Listen to Them?

Well, buckle up, because it's quite a ride!

Rewind to 2009. There I was, hustling Philadelphia Inquirer Newspapers on the streets and in the stores, making a small commission. Not exactly the glamorous life, right? I knew I could do more, earn more.

Fast forward to 2011: I found myself working as a correctional officer in one of America's most dangerous cities, clocking in grueling 12-16 hour shifts with zero contact with the outside world. The isolation took a toll on me, plunging me into a severe depression as I yearned for my family. While the job provided a roof over our heads and meals on our table, it was devoid of any sense of fulfillment or satisfaction.

I had a way with words and a story to tell, but between the exhausting shifts and the demanding real estate sales gig I took on, it felt like my potential was being wasted.

In a leap of faith, I confronted my ingrained fear of the unknown and published my first book, marking a significant milestone in my life.

Then, an extraordinary turn of events took place.

I busted three myths about book sales that completely changed the game for me:

  • Myth #1: You have to spend all day begging strangers on social media to review your book. Nope!

  • Myth #2: You're doomed to harass your entire contact list to buy your book. Not at all!

  • Myth #3: You can't make big bucks quickly selling books unless you're selling them one by one. Wrong!

Busting these myths meant I could finally say "Adios!" to my full-time job, enjoy more quality time with my family, and fully embrace my true calling: helping others scale their businesses and achieve financial freedom!

Looking back, it's wild to think I spent seven years too scared to write my first book. But just seven months after publishing, my daughter and I were featured on multiple news stations, and my book was selling like crazy!

Seeing my success, other authors started asking me to share my secrets, which led me to becoming a thriving author coach.

Fast forward to today, and we've got clients from around the globe. (Including Cameroon, Canada, Nigeria, and Dubai, to name a few.)

My team and I have been the guiding light for hundreds of authors across different industries. We've been their compass in the journey of writing, publishing, and selling their books, and transforming those books into profitable businesses.

So, if you're ready to write your own success story, you've come to the right place. Let's make it happen together!

Here’s What We Will

Help You With, Specifically

Our primary goal and specialty is aiding aspiring, newly published, and seasoned authors with a purpose, to skyrocket their income, expand their impact, and extend their influence by equipping them to sell their high-quality book – all while enjoying more freedom of time.

We've developed something we call the W.I.S.E Publishing™ Method. It's our way of saying, We're pros at transforming authors into thriving business owners who sell books in bulk, rather than sinking or barely surviving as struggling single-book sellers. With us, the worry of selling books one-by-one becomes a thing of the past.

In our eyes, it's the golden ticket to constructing a business that offers genuine time and financial freedom while rendering your competition (if one can even call them that) completely insignificant.

We also concentrate on your positioning – a snazzy term for, "Making people fond of you before you attempt to sell them anything," making it a no brainer for them to purchase from you.

And how do we achieve this? By demonstrating the best possible method to sincerely assist your prospects before they encounter your offer.

Let Me Share a Few of Our Core Beliefs About

Building A Thriving Author Business and Serving Amazing Clients with Excellence.

Let’s see if they match yours:


We stand firmly on the grounds of integrity and transparency. Did you know the word 'integrity' is derived from the Latin term ‘integer’, which means one?

It signifies that our words and actions are in complete sync, our audio matches our video. So when we assure you of our support, we mean every word. We promise to NEVER let you take a step that doesn't serve your interests, even if that means not taking any action at all!


We believe in selling books by the caseload and doing so on a platform that you OWN. PERIOD. No ifs, ands, or buts.


We're not fans of strategies that drag on forever. The common belief is that book selling is complex, challenging, and requires an overly “hypey and salesy” approach.

That's wild! We believe in staying relaxed, leveraging bigger opportunities, and making a greater impact and income in less time rather than over a drawn-out period. We’ll show you how…if you let us.


Your book isn't meant for everyone with a pulse. When you sell your books, your reader is there for a transformation, not just information. Every element in your book, program, or speech should aim at delivering tangible results.

That's why we pair our training with coaching, as we understand that without guidance, many might not implement what they learn. We prefer to be there, increasing the chances of them achieving their desired transformation in life or business.

Finally, we believe in complete solutions.

We hand over the entire puzzle, not just a piece or two, and assist you in putting it together.

Unlike some coaches who give you a fragment or a sliver and leave you to figure the rest, we deliver the whole package.

So, do these five beliefs align with yours? If yes, then your landing on this website was no accident. You are indeed ready to take the next steps to become an impact-driven thriving author.

Are You Ready for My First Sales Pitch to You?

Here it comes...

I'd love for you to explore the FREE DEMO I've included below.

It's a straightforward and immensely enriching walkthrough where I demonstrate how to effectively sell your book in bulk. It's like a mini-tutorial, designed with care and loaded with insights.

Imagine, if this snippet of information can offer so much, how valuable would it be to have this kind of guidance on a regular basis?

That's precisely what our coaching programs are all about.

If this demo resonates with you, and you feel it could be a game-changer for your business, I'd strongly encourage you to consider applying for one of our comprehensive coaching programs.

So why wait?

Have a look at the demo below:

Thanks for Reading.

Now that you're equipped

with this information, don't hesitate.

Take Action & Do The Work.